Street Girls
Two prostitutes offering up their services.
Name: Street Girls
Lat, Long: 43.695946,10.386746
Location: Pisa, Province of Pisa, Italy LifeProstitutionStreet girls Two prostitutes offering up their services. Name: Street Girls Lat, Long: 43.695946,10.386746 Location: Pisa, Province of Pisa, Italy WeirdWeird weird@ianevitch.comAdministratorWeird Google Earth
Sure they didn’t just forgot where they parked their car,16.273099,3a,15y,219.12h,74.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sPLCftlIhjeDhe4jmKFTMGw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=ro
Whoa! That place is now an abandoned and overgrown scrub lot. Anyone know what happened?