Island of the Dolls
Legends say it was hung by the island’s caretaker when he failed to save a girl from drowning. From then on lots of not-exactly-cute dolls hang between the trees of the Island of the Dolls. And if what they look like ain’t enough, they are said to move and blink too. Yikes!
Name: Island of the Dolls
Lat, Long: 19.2727969,-99.0879907
Location: Xochimilco, Mexico CreationsWeird StuffCreepy,Dolls,island of the dolls,MexicoLegends say it was hung by the island's caretaker when he failed to save a girl from drowning. From then on lots of not-exactly-cute dolls hang between the trees of the Island of the Dolls. And if what they look like ain't enough, they are said to move and...WeirderWeirder Weirder@ianevitch.comEditorWeird Google Earth
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