Casa Holma was built and owned by a multimillonaire. It took almost three years to construct this castle. Soon after he was bankrupted, he sold his castle. Castle is now owned by the city and become a musem. If you thought you remember this castle from somewhere, you may be right! Even X-Men movies were filmed in here.
Name: Casa Loma
Lat, Long: 43.6779668,-79.409469
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada CreationsUnusual StructuresCastles,MansionCasa Holma was built and owned by a multimillonaire. It took almost three years to construct this castle. Soon after he was bankrupted, he sold his castle. Castle is now owned by the city and become a musem. If you thought you remember this castle from somewhere, you may...WeirdoWeirdoyalcinalpberkay@gmail.comEditorWeird Google Earth
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