Red Oak II
If you think this town/village is abandoned, you are partly right. It is both abandoned and fake! When local resident of Red Oak came back to its town, he could only find the memory of it, everyone else was moved to the bigger cities and he decided to built Red Oak from the stratch. Fake Red Oak has a diner, jail, general store, a schoolhouse, a town hall, and several homes.
Name: Red Oak II
Lat, Long: 37.212381,-94.2779341
Location: Carthage, Missouri, USA StructuresWeird StuffAbandoned Buildings,Weird abandoned placesIf you think this town/village is abandoned, you are partly right. It is both abandoned and fake! When local resident of Red Oak came back to its town, he could only find the memory of it, everyone else was moved to the bigger cities and he decided to built...WeirdoWeirdo yalcinalpberkay@gmail.comEditorWeird Google Earth
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