People, Please Remain Human!
Hello Earthlings,
This is the second time I am making a statement unrelated to weird stuff on Google Earth in 12 years of existence on this website.
A fan of WGE liked and shared one of our Facebook posts. Good news, right? Well, maybe not. The problem is that this Facebook user chose Hitler’s picture as their avatar. They are clearly a fan of Hitler, likely regarding Hitler as their role model, which means they support Nazi actions in the 1930s and 40s, exterminating Jews and other ‘Untermenschen‘, in Nazi terminology. This is pretty scary stuff.
It is worrisome that fascism, nazism and their related ideas are making a comeback in today’s fragile world.
It is disheartening that there is a pronounced need to call this out as something people of good taste just shouldn’t do. Hitler was not cool. That uniform is not cool. It is as simple as that.
Just wanted to share this.
People, please remain human!

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