Archives for Military - Page 3
The Stanley R. Mickelson Safeguard Complex
Looks like people have another military complex to raid after…
Secret Military Base?
A whole bunch of soldiers grouped together on the street…
USS Ranger, USS Constellation, USS Kitty Hawk, USS Independence
Name: USS Ranger, USS Constellation, USS Kitty Hawk, USS Independence…
Are These Bomb Targets? Or not?
This looks like another bomb target setup for the military…
HMS Ocelot
It is so cool to wander about a submarine! An…
Fort Carroll
Constructed from 1848, Fort Carroll is a fort…
Navy guys with too much time on their…
Bomb Target Site in China
This appears to be an abandoned airfield used…
Shelled-Out Donetsk Airport
Shelled-out Donetsk Airport terminal following Russian aggression of Ukraine.…
Cactus Dome
The atoll where the US military tested quite…