Tag archives for Open-pit mining
Hole in the Ground in Xinzhou
Name:Â Hole in the Ground in Xinzhou Lat, Long:Â ,…
Rio Tinto
 This unusual river is very acidic and red in…
Udachnaya Pipe
Udachnaya Pipe is kimberlite pipe diamond deposit, over…
Quarry in Iran
Name: Quarry in Iran Lat, Long: , Location: Khorramshahr, Iran
Chuquicamata, or "Chuqui", is by excavated volume the largest…
Bingham Canyon Mine
Bingham Canyon Mine is the largest open-pit mine…
The Big Hole, Kimberley
The Big Hole, Open Mine or Kimberley Mine (Afrikaans: Groot Gat) is an open-pit mine in Kimberley,…