Watts tower was built by an Italian immigrant construction worker named as Sabato Robia. These towers took almost 33 years to construct. He made the towers in his spare time.
Name: Watts Towers
Lat, Long: 33.938845,-118.2419763
Location: Los Angeles, California, USA
https://www.weirdgoogleearth.com/2020/03/14/watts-towers/https://www.weirdgoogleearth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/watts-towers.jpg?v=1629212468https://www.weirdgoogleearth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/watts-towers-150x150.jpg?v=1629212468WeirdoHuman CreationsWaste managementWeird StuffTowers,Weird buildingWatts tower was built by an Italian immigrant construction worker named as Sabato Robia. These towers took almost 33 years to construct. He made the towers in his spare time.
Name: Watts Towers
Lat, Long: 33.938845,-118.2419763
Location: Los Angeles, California, USAWeirdoWeirdoyalcinalpberkay@gmail.comEditorWeird Google Earth
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