In 1925, a silent film called “Battleship Potemkin” was released. In 2012, British Film institute named it as 11th greatest film of all time. In Battleship Potemkin there was a scenic massacre in these stairs. A lot of movies were inspired from the Battleship Potemkin such as The Godfather and Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.

Name: Potemkin Stairs

Lat, Long: 46.488891,30.742665

Location: Odesa, Ukraine

Potemkin Stairs, Odesa, Ukraine StructuresHuman CreationsLandmarksWeird StuffMovies,Stairs,UkraineIn 1925, a silent film called 'Battleship Potemkin' was released. In 2012, British Film institute named it as 11th greatest film of all time. In Battleship Potemkin there was a scenic massacre in these stairs. A lot of movies were inspired from the Battleship Potemkin such as The Godfather...Peculiar places from around Google Earth