Step into the home of internationally renowned Sirocco, a kakapo, one of only 247 in the world. Kakapo’s are a rare species of parrot who are nocturnal and flightless

Name: World’s Only Flightless Parrot

Lat, Long: -46.7694928,167.6448588

Location: Codfish Island / Whenua Hou, New Zealand,NatureStep into the home of internationally renowned Sirocco, a kakapo, one of only 247 in the world. Kakapo's are a rare species of parrot who are nocturnal and flightless Name: World's Only Flightless Parrot Lat, Long: -46.7694928,167.6448588 Location: Codfish Island / Whenua Hou, New ZealandPeculiar places from around Google Earth